Sunday, March 21, 2010

Megan & Mario's Wedding

Thank you very much for letting Rebecca and I take part in you wonderful day.
I'm so sore from running around. Need to get back in to wedding photo shape.
The Kalamazoo train station was awesome! Can't beet the Thriller dance either!
Thanks Barry

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wow great day! Love the spring feel!

Coming up on a great wedding season. Can't wait to get back in the action. I love shooting weddings. There is no cooler feeling that capturing all the special moments of the day. You get to meet the best people and visit new places.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Potty Break!

Seems like every time we head out to get some thing to eat. I spend half my time in the bathroom with one of both of my little boys.
Not sure why? They don't seem to go this much at home. I think Rebecca makes them save it for me just so she can get me back for not doing my share of bathroom duties.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Meijer Garden was very cool!

We took my parents out to Meijer Garden for a Christmas Gift this last weekend.
We had a great time with the kids and the butterflies are always cool to see.

Hi the park today! Can't wait for spring.

Just a great day! Gives me the fever. Can't wait for some green. Wedding season is coming up!

WPPI is going on in Vegas!

Looks like Vegas is the place to be this week.
I elected to focus on my quickbooks this last few months. The new setup is comming together. Quickbooks is easy once you set it all up. It's been a stuggle for me not having much of a understanding of accounting practices.

No regrets I will see if I can budget next year.