Sunday, November 29, 2009

Long's Peak from Estes Park, CO

This is a Panorama that I shot in june last year in Estes Park, Colorado. Just got around to stitching it together. At 10 inch high it would be almost 7 feet wide. I used 120 degrees and 13 images to build it. Just found out that this is the only one of a few tries to get a successful panorama. After taking these images I found out about the nodal point of a lens. This set was taken with the 70-200 f2.8 is with it's bracket. I believe that bracket puts the pivoting on the nodal point of the lens. The stitching went very smoothy using CS4 photoshop. I have heard of a the Nodal Ninja which helps get any lens centered for the correct nodal point. The one thing I missed also was to turn the camera vertical and take long tall images then stitch them together. I haven't tried this yet. I can see when it comes to the cropping after the stitching it would be nice to have more vertical hight to work with.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt with the Boys

Very cool easter photo fusion Easter video I put together. I realy enjoyed putting some of my own photos and videos together.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We are trying to side out home and ever other day is cold than warm.  Now its going to snow!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Some how my wife talk me in to siding out house.

Wow what a lot of work! My sister and brother-in-law talked us into residing our home.  We took 475 lbs of alum. siding off fallowed by another ton of cement siding.  He has started the front and its looking much better.  It will take a week or two to finnish the hole house.  I won't even know where to turn in.  We went with a light yellow.  We just finnished the walls in the kitchen and break in to this siding job.  we are trying to get it completed before the wedding season hits.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rss feeds

Checking out feeds

Blogger Widget for The Mac Book

To day we had our birthday party brunch at Applebee's

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tunning in iBlogger app

I remove the lower footer.
This app with the blogger app doesn't have an option for image uploads.

Mr. Moley

I just spent $19 on a rubber dog bone. So far he has eaten. Almost all of his toys. I'll bet we've spent hundreds on things for him to chew on.

Hello new blog

Trying out the new blog using the I blogger app for the iPhone.
Mobile Blogging from here.